Is Bwacha a Traitor or a Treasure


A Response to_’Bwacha: unmasking the traitor"_* 

By Sambo Lezuya

It may not be proper for hirelings to sit and struggle to dissect an issue or person they know little or nothing about, even when you must write an opinion being coerced to do same.

Many people struggle to piece words together due to the fact that they need to write to satisfy the selfish few who may want to be heard even when it is not absolutely necessary to string words to satisfy the man who pays the pipe.

With dismay and distress, one reads tales with sensational headlines tainted so much with headlines that look more or less blackmailing

This could be the case against the several writeups laced with innuendos and high-flown diatribe against the person of Senator Emmanuel Bwacha a serving member of the National Assembly representing the good people Wukari, Taraba state on the front page of the newspaper published on Friday May 21, 2021 and continue inside.

Interestingly the hirelings failed dispassionately in assessing Bwacha in the article.

Rather than critically examine issues therein the writer allowed anger, unnecessary pain, jealousy, envy and resentment to becloud professionalism in his judgement.  Thus, the continuous attempt to discredit and tarnish the good name and work of the Senator, even as we know that good men often come under attack from detractors and enemies. 

Indeed, the writer did say many things against, the Senator from Taraba State without any attempt to base argument on truth and facts, making it obvious that it was a hired assignment to tarnish Bwachas image. With haste he approached the job without research or exonerating himself that those against him are the enemies of the people who sees him as a threat in their attempt to continue with their plundering of the state.

The actual lack of desperation in the political arena has set him apart in his career, spanning three decades. When opponents attack him falsely because of their desperation to pull him down, the facts and reality of his people-oriented politics continues to be his stronghold and defense. You can fight but you cannot pull down a political leader that stands with the people all the time. 

The writer did mention that Bwacha, raised a Motion on the floor of Senate recently in respect of some of his constituents that were bundled from Takum and huddled into jail illegally in Jalingo,Taraba state. While expressing surprise at the role the Senator played in raising such motion, equally going on to say that “the incarcerated 14 criminal elements belonging to G-30 Terror gang in Takum...”. Again, the writer turned himself into a Judge condemning them as criminals in his own court. As a writer, you claimed to be, you failed to recognise or you deliberately ignored the fact that only a competent Court of law can indeed confirm someone guilty and thus declare him a criminal. 

For the writer he forgot, to note the fact that they were taken from Takum to Jalingo and swiftly moved from Police custody without trial, or bail which they were entitled to, to Correctional Facility (prison). You must equally note that their rights to be granted bail was not accepted. The constitution provides that since their case was not Capital charge in nature, they were entitled to bail. When their lawyer applied for, they were swiftly denied. The Senator discerned that the law did not take its due course and hence  being a man that abhors injustice and a man that stands to defend Human Rights of his constituents, presented a  Motion to the Senate, in  that Motion, he only asked that the right procedure in handling his  constituents be followed. He never asked that the case be thrown out. What wrong has Bwacha done by raising this Motion to the Senate on human rights abuse and illegal remand of suspects in his constituency? Should he not stand by his constituents?  The fruitless effort to castigate and condemn him is indeed wrong, premature and holds no water.

Having mentioned that Bwacha showed less concern about  other Southern Taraba indigenes that were kidnapped in his  Constituency, you failed to state  that with every opportunity that come his way, either when with the press, or the Senate or in other for a, he always requests that the Federal Government and the Nigerian Police  should take the case of these growing spate of kidnapping seriously  before it consumes  us.

I am wondering if you expected the respected Senator to go and start   mounting road blocks all over Southern Taraba, or Nigeria?

The best he could do under the current circumstance is to talk as a Nigerian and Member of the exalted Senate, to persuade  the Executive Arm of Government to play effectively their constitutional role of defending lives and property of every  Nigerian through  deploying the constitutionally authorised Personnel to take care of this menace ravaging the Country.

In your bid to rubbish, castigate, dehumanize and effortlessly try to  tarnish the good name of Taraba’s illustrious son and leader of note in the person of Emmanuel Bwacha, you went down memory lane, but failed to mention that presently , he is a born again Christian and  leader of the Christian Legislators Fellowship in the National Assembly, Abuja , comprising of both Senators and the Members, House of Representatives.

Many who know, honour Bwacha as a true man of God. Close friends and associates of the Senator will attest to the fact that he is not ashamed to talk about his past life and the current peace he enjoys under the grace of God upon his life. 

Without any iota of doubt, the Senator has preached and is still preaching to people to follow the right ways of life. He has brought many to the reality of living an honourable and respectable life, equally electing to put the service of God before that of men. At first many of his political conversion was a joke and pretension, but gradually many have come to realize that Bwacha is a man of honour. That’s why if you compared the impact he has made in the lives of his people and constituents before 2012, and the impact he has made after that to date, you will be convinced that Bwacha is currently God’s blessing to the people of Taraba state. He has realised that a leader who honours God, becomes a great blessing to his people. He has by the grace and power of God comes to terms with the facts that a leader’s relationship with God and affect his leadership style and the impact of his government in the society. Some who are close to him are afraid that because the seriousness the Senator has attached to his faith and the current crisis in the political leadership in the country, he may wake up one day and say “I am not doing it again”. That we believe will be a great setback to Taraba state because we have come to see the benefits of having a political leader who fears God by following the right cause then and now. This is the reason why Bwacha’s political movement has been referred as “God’s project”, a politics that honours God and serves humanity wholeheartedly with humility and dedication. 

While writing as if the Senator is well known to you, you indeed truly want to know him,  there is the need to read Articles on him including but not limited to  “Who is  Distinguished Senator(Dr) Emmanuel Bwacha?” and “The Bwacha I know" published by Leadership Newspaper. They are out there in public for discerning minds to understand the caliber of man that people are trying to pull down. Bwacha is not just a politician, he is a man of God of international repute. He is the pride of many in the National Assembly. His Muslim friends can attest that Bwacha’s dedication to his faith has even strengthened their relationship with him because of his trustworthiness and people-oriented politics.

On all said concerning Bwacha’s Political Tactics, that...” Everyone who knows. Bwacha, should know that he has remained in Politics not because he is loved by his constituents but because of his ability to perfectly manipulate tribal and religious sentiments to his entire electoral journey."

The assertion is quite laughable. You are far from the truth. You will be moved to tears and shocked beyond doubt if you ever saw the way people of his constituency and even beyond love and cherish him, they offer him prayers of good will, they commune with him. They are always there for him and he for them.   He is a good listener and a faithful messenger. He relates with the high and low, he doesn’t fail to help the needy from his pocket and stands with the poor and voiceless. He brings them hope and sense of belonging irrespective of tribe and religion. Bwacha’s closest friends are Muslims and they are all over the state and country. Your problem is with the fact of the common ideology that once a Christian or a Muslim takes his religious faith seriously, he is termed a religious fanatic or bigot. It is not a crime to be without a religion in Nigeria, but it becomes a serious moral issue to claim to be a Christian or Muslim in power but govern without a moral backbone and respect for humanity. This is the challenge of the society we have found ourselves in Nigeria. 

In all you wanted to turn yourself to a small god by trying to predict the reasons for why the distinguished Senator achieves so much successes even above his competitors through the years. You assumed many things, but be it known that the secret of his winning ways is out there in the open. Firstly, it is by the grace of God and not by the power of man that he is where he is today.  Secondly, he is in tune with his Constituency. He relates with them, he brings development. The people of Southern Taraba are amongst the most outstanding politically. Do not think that they are docile or unaware or clueless. They stuck by him because he is a man who can deliver their mandate and has been doing so very well.

In your bid to tarnish the good work and rich personal and political  history of the Most Bwacha, you unavoidably painted a rather  rosy picture of a blessed man,  who continues to rise  and rise, from glory to glory , moving from one position  to a much higher one Bwacha, CON is indeed a blessed man who has always attribute his political career to the grace of God.

Do you know that because of his  hard work, Political sagacity, dedication to duty and personal  sacrifice  both  at home and at the national stage, the Federal Government deemed it necessary to award him with National Honour reserved only for the best. This God given son of ours, Distinguished Senator (Dr.) Emmanuel Bwacha, CON was honoured with a life time award of Commander of the Order of the Niger (CON). This is an award so rare that only the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria can bestow upon any worthy citizen. This award cannot be gotten by mere wish or desire. It is earned. And Bwacha earned it because of his dedication to service to humanity in the political arena. Indeed, whom God has blessed, no man can curse.

You said...” he wants to be Taraba State next Governor, come 2023.”  Can you quote with certainty where he may have mentioned this, even in passing? Or have you turned an official spoke person for the Senator? Where you made an insider in his close-knit Allies? You are not in a privileged position to make such serious statement. The Senator is a purposeful and organised person. Yes, he has been put under immense pressure to seek this exalted position of Executive Governor. However, what is of paramount importance to distinguished Senator Emmanuel Bwacha, now is his wish to run his present Office as Senator to a successful end while delivering on the mandate given to him. He will at the right time in the near future make specific statements concerning his political future after consulting with God Almighty, his family and well-meaning friends. Bwacha is never a desperate person, everyone knows that. 

Senator Bwacha, is not new to being called upon to account for the projects he has and is undertaking in his constituency, either by higher Authority in the National Assembly or by Investigative bodies outside of it etc. His books are always open and he is ready for any searchlights upon his activities. Some people, owing to “trumped up” beliefs think they have the so-called “implicating Documents or Records" in their possession.  They had written petitions on him and submitted to EFCC and ICPC, but only to end up disappointed because it turned out their petitions have no substance.  These hungry popularity seekers and agents of confusion and disharmony end up running back home to their bases with their tails hidden between their legs out of shame.  Distinguished Senator Bwacha, CON, has risen above his accusers. He has done that consistently. The 2020 Project tracking report of the Independent Corrupt Practice and other related offense Commission (ICPC), which gave Senator Bwacha the highest commendations amongst his peers in the national assembly stands as a testimony that Southern Taraba is in safe hands. This is why the senator has always  assured his Constituents that nothing will  distract him from giving them dividends of democracy.

In a divisive quote, you said, “Today, I want to state in an unequivocal terms that Sen. Bwacha who has not spoken against our communities been overrun by TIV MILITIAS AND FULANI KILLER HERDSMEN..."  This statement can be likened to a lie from the “pit of hell”. That’s why I have said it before that you don’t know the man you’re writing about and that your submission lacks research and facts. Senator (Dr.) Bwacha, CON has indeed on many occasion either in the National Assembly, or in meetings with colleagues from Benue or with  other stakeholders from  across  Nigeria, has never failed to seek or suggest  meaningful ways that will bring to an end this  sad event of kidnapping in our society today. He had warned on the gatherings of evil men in Taraba and called for urgent synergy between the State Government, various stake holders and the Federal Government to checkmate the situation. The danger posed by marauding herdsmen and frequent conflicts between the Tivs and people of Southern Taraba is indeed a thing for concern.  Our beloved Senator has and will continue to be part of those that will help bring lasting solutions and peace to the good people of Southern Taraba and Nigeria at large. 

The sad misrepresentation, wrong presentation and more in your article, has exposed you as a mischief maker who is bend on destroying the name and good deeds of Emmanuel Bwacha. Fortunately, you can never succeed. Know that nothing and no one will succeed in breaking him or the bond that is between him and his constituency either through propaganda, blackmail, mischievous publications and character Assassination as you have tried to do but failed. 

Bwacha has through the years proven himself to be one of the highest political treasures of Taraba state since 1999. Those calling him traitor are doing so out of envy and attempt to hide their failures in the political arena when they are being compared to the great Senator. Tarabans know their political assets and can easily distinguish them from liabilities.  Bwacha has been tested and trusted. He remains a treasure that is cherished and cannot be replaced with a known political liability. 

 Whom God has blessed; no man can curse. With Bwacha we are confident that there are better days ahead!!

Sambo Lezuy a concerned Taraba indigene writes from Southern Taraba


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